Curtin Primary School's Home Learning Hub

Home learning hub

Welcome to Curtin Primary School.

Renee Berry

It is a privilege to lead a school community and I am deeply honoured and committed to leading improvement for students, collaboratively with and alongside staff and the Curtin Primary School community. With children at the forefront, it is my strong belief that our incredible teachers, support staff, working alongside the community have the most significant impact on learning within the school environment.

Our school centres on creating opportunities for each student to reach their full potential. Our graduates are effective learners, innovators and critical and creative thinkers who are prepared for the challenges of secondary schooling and beyond.

Our core values of Integrity, Innovation, and Determination drive us at Curtin Primary School alongside our vision for improvement as ‘we seek to inspire; we gather to support; and we strive to succeed’.

At Curtin Primary School, we deliver the Australian Curriculum through contemporary teaching approaches. We provide a broad curriculum that values each learning area and dedicates time for students to learn how to learn. Our expert teachers are constantly learning from educational research and through collaborative planning and reflection. Our teachers provide individualised approaches to foster each student's academic and social development. Children and educators co-construct learning where student agency is nurtured and encouraged. Regular feedback is given to children about their progress and the next steps for their learning.

We are inclusive and differentiate learning experiences that enable every child to participate and achieve their personal best. Our community is united and collaborative. We are safe, respectful, learners.

Positive partnerships with families through a child’s education is a key element to collectively develop children as learners. The family is a child’s first and most important teacher and together we can do great things for this next generation of young people. At Curtin Primary, we believe learning is enhanced through community partnerships. We are privileged to receive ongoing support from our community and encourage families to participate in all aspects of school life. Parents and family members support the school by sharing their personal expertise with students, guiding student readers, participating in the student program and through P&C opportunities including fundraising. We also engage community organisations to provide opportunities for curriculum enrichment programs in areas of student interest.

I welcome anyone who is interested in enrolling a child at Curtin Primary School – Preschool to Year 6 to contact the front office on 02 6142 2570.

Renee Berry


The National Disability Insurance Scheme and Early Childhood Intervention Programs in the ACT


Theodore St
Curtin ACT 2605
Tel: 02 6142 2570

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